Signing with Jet Star is a Partnership.
We work with you to make your work a reality.
Manuscripts should be under 100,000 words. Editing: $15 per 1000 words thereafter.
JET STAR Complete PACKAGE: $8995
- (2) Story Edits
- Line Edit
- Formatting
- USBN/Upload to Amazon and Barnes & Noble
- E-book
- Cover Design
- Marketing Package
- Analysis and Recommendations
- Blog design
- 1000 book/business cards
- Sample Book for final approval
- 100% Royalties are yours!
Analysis of the story and character arcs, motivation, plot, structure, theme and believability. Jet Star team will brain storm ideas, discuss amongst ourselves and present detailed recommendations.
First story edit: $2500 Second Story edit same work: $ 1250
A detailed and thorough editing of sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Perfection is the key.
Your cover must instill the emotion of your work. There is a great deal of psychology involved in creating a book that will jump off the shelf.
You self-published and do not know how to get sales? Marketing ideas will vary with genre, time, personality, and your ability to be involved. We will assess your situation and design a plan that will work for you and the success of your book.
We will help you set up a platform via a blog, and teach you how to use Social to advertise your book.
1000 book/business cards will be designed and sent your way.
We will help you set up a platform via a blog, and teach you how to use Social to advertise your book.
1000 book/business cards will be designed and sent your way.
While there are many programs to call yourself an E-book, each chapter should be written in code for proper functionality. We will make it right for you.
Ever see a book with margins that aren't right? Not enough white space? Words that drop from one page to the next? Lines too close together? Font is chunky? There is more to a book than its cover, and content. The work, when the work is done, begins with In-Design.
- USBN/Upload to Amazon and Barnes & Noble
- Jet Star Name, Logo and Advertising
- 100% Royalties
So you want a traditional publisher? Cannot get through the door? Don't have the time or money to work the conference circle? Don't know why nobody wants your book? It might be the writing. Your process. Your query. Synopsis. Outline.
- We will read your book and assess if it is ready. If not, we will tell you our opinion as to why not. This is not a detailed story edit, but an overall recommendation for areas of improvement.
- Do you have a platform? Do you need a platform?
- Evaluation and Edit of
- Query letter
- Synopsis
- Outline
There could be a reason you fabulous book has not made it through the door. Let us help you give it the best chance possible.
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